Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to the MySQL LEAVE statement to exit a stored program or terminate a loop.

Introduction to MySQL LEAVE statement

The LEAVE statement exits the flow control that has a given label.

The following shows the basic syntax of the LEAVE statement:

LEAVE label;

In this syntax, you specify the label of the block that you want to exit after the LEAVE keyword.

Using the LEAVE statement to exit a stored procedure

If the label is the outermost of the stored procedure  or function block, LEAVE terminates the stored procedure or function.

The following statement shows how to use the LEAVE statement to exit a stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_name() sp: BEGIN IF condition THEN LEAVE sp; END IF; -- other statement END$$

For example, this statement creates a new stored procedure that checks the credit of a given customer in the customers table from the sample database:

DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE CheckCredit( inCustomerNumber int ) sp: BEGIN DECLARE customerCount INT; -- check if the customer exists SELECT COUNT(*) INTO customerCount FROM customers WHERE customerNumber = inCustomerNumber; -- if the customer does not exist, terminate -- the stored procedure IF customerCount = 0 THEN LEAVE sp; END IF; -- other logic -- ... END$$ DELIMITER ;

Using LEAVE statement in loops

The LEAVE the statement allows you to terminate a loop. The general syntax for the LEAVE statement when used in the LOOPREPEAT and WHILE statements.

Using LEAVE with the LOOP statement:

[label]: LOOP IF condition THEN LEAVE [label]; END IF; -- statements END LOOP [label];

Using LEAVE with the REPEAT statement:

[label:] REPEAT IF condition THEN LEAVE [label]; END IF; -- statements UNTIL search_condition END REPEAT [label];

Using LEAVE with the WHILE statement:

[label:] WHILE search_condition DO IF condition THEN LEAVE [label]; END IF; -- statements END WHILE [label];

The LEAVE causes the current loop specified by the label to be terminated. If a loop is enclosed within another loop, you can break out of both loops with a single LEAVE statement.

Using LEAVE statement in a loop example

The following stored procedure generates a string of integers with the number from 1 to a random number between 4 and 10:

DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE LeaveDemo(OUT result VARCHAR(100)) BEGIN DECLARE counter INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE times INT; -- generate a random integer between 4 and 10 SET times = FLOOR(RAND()*(10-4+1)+4); SET result = ''; disp: LOOP -- concatenate counters into the result SET result = concat(result,counter,','); -- exit the loop if counter equals times IF counter = times THEN LEAVE disp; END IF; SET counter = counter + 1; END LOOP; END$$ DELIMITER ;

This statement calls the LeaveDemo procedure:

CALL LeaveDemo(@result); SELECT @result;

Here is one of the outputs:

+------------------+ | @result | +------------------+ | 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, | +------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

In this tutorial, you have learned how to the MySQL LEAVE statement to exit a stored program or terminate a loop.


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