Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use MySQL LOOP statements to run a block of code repeatedly based on a condition.

Introduction to MySQL LOOP statement

The LOOP the statement allows you to execute one or more statements repeatedly.

Here is the basic syntax of the LOOP statement:

[begin_label:] LOOP statement_list END LOOP [end_label]

The LOOP can have optional labels at the beginning and end of the block.

The LOOP executes the statement_list repeatedly. The statement_list may have one or more statements, each terminated by a semicolon (;) statement delimiter.

Typically, you terminate the loop when a condition is satisfied by using the LEAVE statement.

This is the typical syntax of the LOOP statement used with LEAVE statement:

[label]: LOOP ... -- terminate the loop IF condition THEN LEAVE [label]; END IF; ... END LOOP;

The LEAVE the statement immediately exits the loop. It works like the break statement in other programming languages like PHP, C/C++, and Java.

In addition to the LEAVE statement, you can use the ITERATE statement to skip the current loop iteration and start a new iteration. The ITERATE is similar to the continue statement in PHP, C/C++, and Java.

MySQL LOOP statement example

The following statement creates a stored procedure that uses a LOOP loop statement:

DROP PROCEDURE LoopDemo; DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE LoopDemo() BEGIN DECLARE x INT; DECLARE str VARCHAR(255); SET x = 1; SET str = ''; loop_label: LOOP IF x > 10 THEN LEAVE loop_label; END IF; SET x = x + 1; IF (x mod 2) THEN ITERATE loop_label; ELSE SET str = CONCAT(str,x,','); END IF; END LOOP; SELECT str; END$$ DELIMITER ;

In this example:

  • The stored procedure constructs a string from the even numbers e.g., 2, 4, and 6.
  • The loop_label  before the LOOPstatement for using with the ITERATE and LEAVE statements.
  • If the value of  x is greater than 10, the loop is terminated because of the LEAVEstatement.
  • If the value of the x is an odd number, the ITERATE ignores everything below it and starts a new loop iteration.
  • If the value of the x is an even number, the block in the ELSEthe the the statement will build the result string from even numbers.

The following statement calls the stored procedure:

CALL LoopDemo();

Here is the output:

+-------------+ | str | +-------------+ | 2,4,6,8,10, | +-------------+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

In this tutorial, you have learned how to use the MySQL LOOP statement to execute a block of code repeatedly based on a condition.


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