MySQL Stored Procedures

MySQL Stored Procedures

 MySQL Stored Procedures

In this section, you will learn how to develop stored programs including stored procedures and stored functions in MySQL.

Section 1. Stored procedure basics

Section 2. Conditional Statements

  • IF statement – show you how to use the IF THEN statement in stored procedures.
  • CASE statement – introduce you to the CASE statements including simple CASE and searched CASE statements.

Section 3. Loops

  • LOOP – learn how to execute a list of statements repeatedly based on a condition.
  • WHILE Loop – show you how to execute a loop as long as a condition is true.
  • REPEAT Loop – show you how to execute a loop until a search condition is true.
  • LEAVE statement – guide you on how to exit a loop immediately.

Section 4. Error Handling

  • Handing exceptions – show you how to handle exceptions and errors in stored procedures.
  • Raising errors  – learn how to use SIGNAL and RESIGNAL to raise errors in stored procedures.

Section 5. Cursors

  • Cursors – learn how to use cursors to process row by row in a result set.

Section 6. Stored Functions

Section 7. Stored Program Security


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