MySQL Cursor

MySQL Cursor

 MySQL Cursor

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use MySQL cursor in stored procedures to iterate through a result set returned by a SELECT statement.

Introduction to MySQL cursor

To handle a result set inside a stored procedure, you use a cursor. A cursor allows you to iterate a set of rows returned by a query and process each row individually.

MySQL cursor is read-only, non-scrollable, and sensitive.

  • Read-only: you cannot update data in the underlying table through the cursor.
  • Non-scrollable: you can only fetch rows in the order determined by the SELECT statement. You cannot fetch rows in the reversed order. In addition, you cannot skip rows or jump to a specific row in the result set.
  • A sensitive: there are two kinds of cursors: a sensitive cursor and an insensitive cursor. A sensitive cursor points to the actual data, whereas an insensitive cursor uses a temporary copy of the data. A sensitive cursor performs faster than an insensitive cursor because it does not have to make a temporary copy of data. However, any change that is made to the data from other connections will affect the data that is being used by a sensitive cursor, therefore, it is safer if you do not update the data that is being used by a sensitive cursor. MySQL cursor is sensitive.

You can use MySQL cursors in stored proceduresstored functions, and triggers.

Working with MySQL cursor

First, declare a cursor by using the DECLARE statement:

DECLARE cursor_name CURSOR FOR SELECT_statement;

The cursor declaration must be after any variable declaration. If you declare a cursor before the variable declarations, MySQL will issue an error. A cursor must always associate with a SELECT statement.

Next, open the cursor by using the OPEN statement. The OPEN statement initializes the result set for the cursor, therefore, you must call the OPEN statement before fetching rows from the result set.

OPEN cursor_name;

Then, use the FETCH statement to retrieve the next row pointed by the cursor and move the cursor to the next row in the result set.

FETCH cursor_name INTO variables list;

After that, check if there is any row available before fetching it.

Finally, deactivate the cursor and release the memory associated with it  using the CLOSE statement:

CLOSE cursor_name;

It is a good practice to always close a cursor when it is no longer used.

When working with MySQL cursor, you must also declare a NOT FOUND handler to handle the situation when the cursor could not find any row.

Because each time you call the FETCH the statement, the cursor attempts to read the next row in the result set. When the cursor reaches the end of the result set, it will not be able to get the data, and a condition is raised. The handler is used to handle this condition.

To declare a NOT FOUND handler, you use the following syntax:


The finished is a variable to indicate that the cursor has reached the end of the result set. Notice that the handler declaration must appear after variable and cursor declaration inside the stored procedures.

The following diagram illustrates how the MySQL cursor works.

MySQL Cursor Example

We’ll develop a stored procedure that creates an email list of all employees in the employees the table in the sample database.

First, declare some variables, a cursor for looping over the emails of employees, and a NOT FOUND handler:

DECLARE finished INTEGER DEFAULT 0; DECLARE emailAddress varchar(100) DEFAULT ""; -- declare cursor for employee email DEClARE curEmail CURSOR FOR SELECT email FROM employees; -- declare NOT FOUND handler DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET finished = 1;

Next, open the cursor by using the OPEN statement:

OPEN curEmail;

Then, iterate the email list, and concatenate all emails where each email is separated by a semicolon(;):

getEmail: LOOP FETCH curEmail INTO emailAddress; IF finished = 1 THEN LEAVE getEmail; END IF; -- build email list SET emailList = CONCAT(emailAddress,";",emailList); END LOOP getEmail;

After that, inside the loop, we used the finished variable to check if there is an email in the list to terminate the loop.

Finally, close the cursor using the CLOSE statement:

CLOSE email_cursor;

The createEmailList a stored procedure is as follows:

DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE createEmailList ( INOUT emailList varchar(4000) ) BEGIN DECLARE finished INTEGER DEFAULT 0; DECLARE emailAddress varchar(100) DEFAULT ""; -- declare cursor for employee email DEClARE curEmail CURSOR FOR SELECT email FROM employees; -- declare NOT FOUND handler DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET finished = 1; OPEN curEmail; getEmail: LOOP FETCH curEmail INTO emailAddress; IF finished = 1 THEN LEAVE getEmail; END IF; -- build email list SET emailList = CONCAT(emailAddress,";",emailList); END LOOP getEmail; CLOSE curEmail; END$$ DELIMITER ;

You can test the createEmailList stored procedure using the following script:

SET @emailList = ""; CALL createEmailList(@emailList); SELECT @emailList;

In this tutorial, we have shown you how to use the MySQL cursor to iterate a result set and process each row accordingly.


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